"Baluu has supported us from the start“

Ros Millar and Milena Kovanovic
Founders of The Ringsmiths

An accurate timetable is the key to success! Many businesses that manage bookings for classes, events and experiences will be very familiar with the frustrations of timetable clashes and rescheduling errors.

Allowing customers and students to book your classes or events from different platforms can often lead to timetable and availability errors. However, with a booking software like Baluu, businesses can manage their timetable with bookings from multiple platforms all in one place. Whether you take classes from your website, your social media or both, Baluu allows businesses to organise their timetable and bookings all in one system. 

Designed with businesses in mind, Baluu is a powerful booking software that aims to make every aspect of managing bookings seamless. Explore how The Ringsmiths transformed how they manage their business with Baluu.

Company Profile

The Ringsmiths is run by Ros Millar and Milena Kovanovic, two very talented and creative jewellery designers. Both Ros and Milena are award winning jewellery designers and creators, after both finding jewellery making success, they decided to collaborate and host jewellery making workshops as The Ringsmiths.

Students creating a silver necklace with The Ringsmiths

Ros and Milena run jewellery making classes for students of all levels within their creative workshop. The Ringsmiths enjoy sharing their expertise and inspiring students in their classes. However, Ros and Milena soon realised that they needed a reliable and powerful booking system to manage their bookings. 

The Challenge

The Ringsmiths wanted to spend less time organising their timetable and instead more time teaching. Ros and Milena wanted to add more classes and dedicate more of their time to doing what they love instead of manually tracking their bookings and managing their timetable. 

The Ringsmiths studio

After a TikTok The Ringsmiths posted went viral, Ros and Milena experienced a huge increase in their bookings. As their classes were booked out months in advance, The Ringsmiths wanted to use a booking system they could rely on!


Once Ros and Milena started using Baluu, they found that this booking software provided a seamless booking experience for both The Ringsmiths and their students!

‘Baluu has made it easier in terms of managing our bookings, taking payments and also rescheduling bookings.’ - Ros, The Ringsmiths

As Baluu offers an auto-updated timetable feature, The Ringsmiths spent less time managing their timetable and more time teaching classes. This tool has allowed The Ringsmiths to list more classes and therefore increase their income.

‘Baluu has been great because it’s just given us the confidence to grow our offering of classes’ - Milena, The Ringsmiths

Not only do The Ringsmiths now spend less time rescheduling bookings and managing their timetable, Baluu also allows The Ringsmiths to attach different ticket type options and waiting list features to their classes.


The Ringsmiths were now able to host more workshops with confidence! This reliable, powerful and robust booking software has made it easier for The Ringsmiths to not only manage their timetable but also run more classes with a range of ticket types for students.

As The Ringsmiths had more time to host more classes and workshops, they saw an impressive growth in their business. Within the first 12 months of using Baluu, The Ringsmiths have grown their business by 200% and they're continuing to see a steady rise in their bookings!

Managing your business can be a simple, easy and even enjoyable process with Baluu. Start your 30 day free trial today and discover how you can grow your business.

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